What we do ?
Culture accessible is an access consultancy working throughout France and some others countries. We help our clients develop welcoming and accessible places for people with disabilities in cultural places : museums, historic buildings, concert halls, theatres, tourist offices, libraries...
Working closely with our clients, we deliver solutions that are inclusive, cost-effective and appropriate, as well as attractive to new visitors.
Access audit
Diagnostic, from pre-visit information to arrival, visit...
Evaluation with standards and best practice guidance
Access consultancy
Advice on inclusive tools and activities
Conception of new projects for disabled people
Reflection on tariffs for these visitors
Writing technical specifications
Communication plan
Tests with local users
Production monitoring
Methodological guides for museum's employees
Production of multi-sensory experiences
Principles of inclusive design
Tactile images
Audio-description for blind people
Videos and apps in sign language
Booklets in "easy-to-read" for visitors with mental disabilities
1, 2 or 3 days trainings for people working in cultural sites
Themes : how to creat a visite for visitors with mental disability, how to welcome well...
Active training with games, simulations, practical cases...
Who are our clients ?
LOUVRE MUSEUM, Paris, France / 2019-2021
Consultancy for a multi-sensory experience
Copyright : Louvre by Jon cc by flickr

OMAN ACROSS AGES MUSEUM, Sultanate of Oman / 2019-2020
Content management. Conception of tactile images with Tactile Studio

ROMAN MUSEUM, Nîmes, South of France / 2017-2018
Consultancy for a multi-sensory experience

Who are we ?
Caroline JULES worked for 10 years in cultural sites in Paris (Panthéon, Orsay Museum, Philharmonie de Paris) as responsible of accessibility. CV
From 2011, she worked as consultant.
Sometimes, 2 others experts are involved in consultancy missions or trainings.
Often, user groups with disabled people are actively involved.
To produce accessible tools, some companies are associated for models, tactile images...
Member of ICOM.
Phone : + 33 (0)6 71 14 09 09
E-mail : contact(at)cultureaccessible.fr
Adress : 10 bis rue de la roche
69 380 Chazay d'Azergues